Enzymes and Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia
Enzymen zijn nodig bij alle processen in het lichaam. Het verwarmen boven
de 50 graden van groete en rauw voedsel waar van zichzelf veel enzymen in zitten
vernietigt alle enzymen waardoor enzym tekort veel voorkomt.
In 1994 vonden Amerikaanse onderzoekers
aanwijzingen dat CVS-patiënten een 'fout' enzym hadden. Een
Belgische onderzoeksgroep waar Pascale De Becker deel van uit
maakte, herhaalde de studie en kon de Amerikaanse conclusies
aanscherpen. In februari 2000 verscheen hun artikel. Het enzym,
concludeert de groep, 'kan CVS-patiënten onderscheiden van
gezonde mensen en patiënten met een andere ziekte.'
Het bewuste eiwit is het 'RNAse L-enzym', dat
wordt geactiveerd als een witte bloedcel door een bacterie of
virus is besmet. Het organisme wil zich vermenigvuldigen, en
kopieert daartoe zijn erfelijke informatie. Zo gauw dat gebeurt,
komt RNAse L in het geweer, dat de kopieën afbreekt. De
indringer kan zich dan niet voortplanten, zodat de infectie is
Dat wil zeggen: bij gezonde mensen, met
een gezond immuunsysteem. Dat is echter niet het geval bij CVS-patiënten,
zegt De Becker. CVS kan volgens haar alleen maar ontstaan als
het immuunsysteem al onder druk staat, bijvoorbeeld door
vergiftiging met pcb's uit het milieu, of door andere ziektes.
Dat maakt iemand vatbaarder voor infecties van virussen en
bacteriën die geen kans zouden hebben als het afweersysteem naar
behoren functioneert - een zogeheten 'opportunistische infectie'.
De Becker: "Er is gebleken dat er bij
bepaalde opportunistische infecties proteasen worden
geproduceerd, dat zijn enzymen die de RNAse L-enzymen afbreken."
Het afbraakproduct is een vermagerde vorm van het oorpronkelijke
enzym. Dat werd in het Belgische onderzoek bij 50 van de 57 CVS-patiënten
gevonden; de 53 proefpersonen zonder CVS hadden vrijwel
uitsluitend normale RNAse L-enzymen.
Volgens De Becker ontregelt de 'vermagerde'
vorm van het enzym verschillende processen in het lichaam. Zo
raakt de afscheiding van hormonen verstoord, en wordt het
immuunsysteem verder ondermijnd. Dat heeft gevolgen voor een
groot aantal functies dat in het lichaam wordt vervuld. "Toen ik
aan dit onderzoek begon te werken, was ik verrast door de
multitude aan klachten van patiënten," zegt De Becker. "Eigenlijk
is elk systeem in het lichaam aangetast. Ons model van de
ontregeling door de lichte vorm van RNAse L is het enige dat
alle symptomen kan verklaren."
Maar ze is hoopvol dat genezing in de
toekomst mogelijk wordt, wellicht door een middel te ontwikkelen
dat de werking van proteasen remt, zodat het normale gewicht van
RNAse L op peil blijft.
The newly discovered enzyme, a new form of RNase L, which has a lower molecular
weight than the normal enzyme found in the viral pathway in which this protein
is active, may explain common observations in patients with CFS: an inability to
control common viruses (like Epstein-Barr virus and human herpesvirus 6) and an
inability to maintain cellular energy. According to Suhadolnik, the viral
pathway known as the 2-5A synthetase/RNase L antiviral pathway, may control both
processes. "This new enzyme in CFS may not function as well as the normal RNase
L found in healthy people. It may explain why CFS patients' bodies have a hard
time maintaining the energy necessary for cellular growth."
status of the RNase L pathway is measured in humans by sampling peripheral blood
mononuclear cells (lymphocytes). RNase L is the key enzyme of the antiviral
pathway, and it is designed to degrade viral RNA. While RNase L is found in
nearly all mammalian cells, it has to be "turned on" by a small molecule, 2-5A.
Binding of 2-5A to RNase L changes the enzyme from its inactive (latent) state
to its active state. When active, RNase L inhibits viral protein synthesis and
thereby prevents replication of a virus. However, overactive RNase L can have
detrimental effects on the body by degrading cellular RNA as well as viral RNA.
Perhaps the most striking finding
in lymphocytes from individuals with CFS is a unique form of the RNase L enzyme.
The size of the RNase L protein that is usually present in humans is 80
kilodaltons (kDa). However, in many individuals with CFS, this 80 kDa enzyme is
either scarce or missing altogether. A unique low molecular weight (LMW) form of
RNase L is observed instead3. Besides its smaller size (37 kDa), the
LMW RNase L has other biochemical differences from the 80 kDa RNase L. The LMW
RNase L binds its activator more tightly and is more potent than the 80 kDa form
of RNase L.
The size of the normal form of RNase L is 80
kilodaltons (kDa). However, patients with CFS often have another
form with a lower molecular weight: 37 kDa. Despite its smaller
size, it's more potent than the 80 kDa form.
subsequent large study of CFS patients revealed several connections between the
RNase L pathway and clinical status4. RNase L enzyme activity correlated well
with the Metabolic Screening Questionnaire, a measure of general health status.
In addition, three measurements regarding the antiviral pathway increase (RNase
L, bioactive 2-5A and the LMW RNase L) as the individual's ability to carry out
the activities of daily living decreases, indicated by a low Karnofsky
Performance Score. Therefore, the increased activity of the RNase L pathway is
an indication of a lower state of general health. Current studies indicate that
all three measurements of the pathway are abnormal in individuals with CFS.
"A cellular enzyme that is part of the body’s
immune defense. RNases are extremely common in the body and act to
break up ribonucleic acid (RNA). Studies of CFS patients have shown
that RNase levels may be higher than normal. While the reason for
this is not clear, some speculate that it could be related to a
viral attack. In the case of CFS patients, the RNase destroys all of
the RNA within the cell, whether cellular or viral. Chronic fatigue
syndrome sufferers frequently have elevated levels of RNase L, which
supports the theory that the onset of CFS could be linked to a
Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia (CFS & FMS)
are very similar. One example may be the tests whether blood or chemistry
profiles will show themselves in the normal range.
Research is showing that people with FMS have defects in the neuroregulatory
system, especially transmitters. This abnormal production of neurotransmitters
such as seratonin, melatonin, dopamine and other chemicals that help control
pain, mood, sleep and the immune system, are the reason for so many of their
symptoms. Add to this that they do not get to Delta sleep (deepest sleep),
making a good night’s rest impossible. It is in this Delta sleep that we make
our early night hormone known as our "growth hormone" and where immune and
rebuilding chemicals are created and the body’s mind is repaired.
Further research shows that a FMS patient has three times the normal amount of
substance "P" in their spinal fluid. This substance tells the body how much pain
it feels. This is why they feel an abnormal amount of pain from the slightest
touch. Even a bed sheet can cause pain. The slightest touch can be agony. Then
this sensitivity may change or even go away for awhile. There never seems to be
rhyme or reason when to expect the change.
In addition to information on the pain felt by those with FMS and CFS, are
further studies on myofascia imbalance. Myofascia is a thin, almost translucent,
film that wraps around muscle tissue. In fact, it is the tissue that holds all
the parts of the body together. Tightening or thickening of the myofascia
occurs in these patients. When myofascia thickens, elasticity is lost, and the
neurotransmitter ability to send and receive messages between the mind and body
is disrupted.
Any imbalance of the nervous system effects the digestive system. Those with CFS
& FMS experience digestive problems early on and eventually this will lead to
malabsorption. Research shows these people experience the lack of the enzyme
amylase early in life. Amylase enzymes are the catalysts that break down
carbohydrates. Clinically, it is shown that people with FMS or CFS have
digestive problems with carbohydrates and starches. Many also have a lipase
deficiency, and lipase enzymes are the catalysts that break down fats. Without
the proper lipase enzymes, one will have fatty acid imbalances and hormonal
imbalances. All of these deficiencies will lead to a protease deficiency. Since
the protein invaders of our body are bacteria, fungal forms, and parasites, it
stands to reason why the immune system then becomes compromised.
Some relatively recent information on chronic fatigue comes from Temple
University School of Medicine in Philadelphia 7/17/97. All their research shows
people with CF have a "new" enzyme. Dr. Suhadolnik is a professor of
biochemistry and a member of the University’s Institute of Cancer Research and
Molecular Biology. He said, "All CFS patients tested have this new enzyme, while
none of the healthy controls do". The new enzyme has a lower molecular weight
than the normal enzyme found in the viral pathway (Rnase L in the Synthetase/Rnase
L antiviral pathway). CFS patients have an inability to control common viruses
and an inability to maintain cellular energy. This enzyme controls both
processes. This newly discovered enzyme does not function as well as the normal
enzyme in healthy people. He feels this explains why CFS patients have a hard
time maintaining the energy for cellular growth.
Besides all of the above information, the one thing that weaves throughout all
of the research, is a common belief that these people have a genetic
predisposition for these syndromes. The information printed in 1999 showed that
there are 5 million people in the United States who have been diagnosed with
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It stands to reason that there are many more which
have not been properly diagnosed. The symptoms are many, and are very similar to
many other disorders, therefore difficult to diagnose. Sometimes the person
doesn’t feel like they are physically ill enough to seek professional help. Many
are severely stressed and depressed.
Undertaking a digestive enzyme regimen has been successful in with people with
CFS and FMS because it encourages cell nutrition by feeding and fortifying the
nervous system, endocrine system and the digestive system. High quality, pH
balanced digestive enzymes when taken in adequate quantities, work throughout
the entire digestive system and help to fortify the pancreas. Providing adequate
digestive support, as noted, is a particularly important issue for those
suffering from CFS and FMS.
The following enzyme formulations can be used for Chronic Fatigue and/or
Fibromyalgia Syndromes. These suggestions have been shown to be effective for
many people suffering from these syndromes.
The following digestive enzyme supplements are recommended as part of a basic
digestive and immune system enhancement regimen.
NOTE: The following suggestions are based on the clinical experience gathered
from the Enzyme Therapy Clinic, operated by Transformation Enzyme Corp. in
Houston Texas and from other clinical observations Transformation Enzyme Corp.
has compiled from its associated health care practitioners who utilize enzyme
therapy as part of their treatment regimens. Both Transformation Enzyme Corp.
and Enzyme Essentials do not purport to diagnose disease nor do we have, or
claim to have, knowledge of your medical history or your current medical
condition. Therefore, we don't know, nor claim to know, if the digestive enzymes
discussed here are applicable or appropriate to your current situation. We
recommend that you seek the care and advice of a health care professional and
that the information provided here be shared with that health care professional
should you decide to act on any of this information.
There are about 3000 enzymes in the human
Enzyme Suggestions:
ENZYME: . OxiCellZyme
EXPLANATION: All around digestive aid with an array of the digestive enzymes to
take care of hydrolizing most normal food consumption. Contains high levels of
protease to help break down excess protein; contains antioxicants, and contains
all of the essential nutrients to help ensure complete metabolic function.
ENZYME: . DigestZyme
EXPLANATION: Additionally assists with digestion and helps provide a proper
acid/alkaline pH balance
ENZYME: . PureZyme
EXPLANATION: High in proteases, a group of enzymes whose catalytic function is
to cleave proteins. Breaks down invaders in the blood supply leaving them
vulnerable to destruction by the immune system thereby controlling bacteria, and
ENZYME: Plantadophilus
EXPLANATION: A strong pro-biotic to control the pH balance in the intestinal
tract preventing the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine and insure the
elimination of the toxins from the colon. Acts as natural antibiotic.
ENZYME: ExcellZyme
EXPLANATION: Feeds and fortifies the brain and for fatigue.
Additionally the following can be taken depending on need.
If difficulty with sleeping
ENZYME: CalmZyme
EXPLANATION: Feeds the nervous system and assists deep sleep
If constipated
ENZYME: . ReleaseZyme
EXPLANATION: Cleanses and fortifies the colon/constipation
If inflammation is experienced:
ENZYME: . RepairZyme
EXPLANATION: Phytochemical base with enzymes to heal and build new muscles,
tissues and bones.
Enzyme therapy is based on particular needs. The enzyme formulations and
grouping suggested above are designed to assist the body back to a healthy
balance. Once the body systems are brought back into balance, the conditions and
effects associated with CFS and FMS are often positively modulated. Sound
nutrition combined with pharmaceutical quality, high activity, pH balance
digestive enzymes can assist in this process.